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Ayurvedic Treatmnet Is Best For Health

  • Leader
    May 24, 2016

    Ayurvedic Treatment Ajman,Ayurveda is an ancient system of natural and medical healing originated in India. "Ayur"means life and "Veda" means science. Thus ayurveda means science of life. It gives a total approach to health, healing and longevity. The holistic system of medicine is supposed to be the oldest form of health care system available on planet today. It is believed that other healing systems were influenced by the knowledge of Ayurveda. "Good health is always your best asset". Ayurveda literally means the science of life. Originally an Indian medical system - holistic , complex and philosophical. Ayurveda is a system of medicine which could heal with its natural remedies even the so called incurable diseases without any side effects.

    Ayurveda is especially useful in ailments such as joint pains, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Diabetes, Spondilitis, Asthma, Neurological disorders, migraine and obesity. Only after examination of the patient by the physician, the actual diagnosis, prognosis and course of treatment are determined and patients advised accordingly. Ayurveda offers a holistic solution for everything; from a healthy lifestyle, healthy food habits and the art of positive living to treatment management and the cure of chronic ailments without any harmful side effects. The combination of Vedic philosophy and health practices form the basis of the activities offered at our Centre. 

    Hygiene and high levels of guest satisfaction are the hallmark of the Ayurveda Centre. Different treatments are offered to healthy people for "Wellness" as well as patients with serious diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, asthma, paralysis, kidney disorders, obesity, spinal disorders and nervous disorders andso on.

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