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CBD Review Websites Tying in With Medical Professionals

  • September 17, 2021
    CFAH is a non-profit membership organization that brings together people from around the world who believe in the therapeutic value of CBD as a safe, effective herbal remedy for a variety of ailments. The primary goal of the organization is to foster an open exchange of knowledge and information between medical specialists, caregivers, researchers, and consumers regarding the uses of the CBD as a natural substance. However, do these CFAH CBD review websites really provide helpful information about CBD products?

    No. Not necessarily... most CFAH CBD review websites (as well as most other websites for that matter) are "so called" reviews, which essentially mean that the authors of the reviews don't take themselves or their position seriously enough to make an informed decision about CBD as a treatment. As such, when you read one of the many CFAH CBD reviews on the Net, don't be surprised if you find out that the author of the review either: A) doesn't have a clue about CBD and what it can do for you or B) is taking a bit of a potshot at the pharmaceutical companies that seem to keep developing unproven "miracles" every single year.

    As far as I'm concerned, this kind of slandering remarks is uncalled for and goes against everything that CFAH stands for. And I'm not just talking about CBD being an unproven "miracle drug." Far, from it! As a matter of fact, many CBD review articles are filled with statements like this, and I've seen many parents express similar thoughts while reviewing CBD medicines. CBD is an amazingly healthy plant derived from the cannabis plant that has been used for hundreds of years by many cultures, for a variety of medicinal purposes including treating everything from ADHD and epilepsy to depression and anxiety and more.

    But not only are these websites filled with false statements and half-baked research, they are often riddled with links to the very companies that manufacture CBD drugs! How is this so? Many CFAH CBD review websites make no mention of this issue but rather rely on testimonials and user reviews from people who have "opted in" to the website. This is the exact opposite of bias, because if the parent wants to share their experiences, then they can do so with complete confidence - because nobody's going to come out and accuse them of giving biased information.

    So why do these websites allow this to happen?

    One answer could be that most CBD review websites want to sell products, and any tool that helps parents make a better decision about which products to buy is obviously going to be helpful to them. Many of these websites have close ties with various pharmaceutical companies that manufacture CBD drugs, so it is not uncommon for these websites to refer to "approved" and "topical" CBD supplements when they are simply trying to sell you a product. If you want unbiased reviews from real people like you and me, these sites are not providing them! It's not fair, but that is the reality.

    What can we do? We can look for independent CBD resources such as Consumer Reports, or we can look for websites run by medical professionals like us at CBD Central, where we can get objective, unbiased reviews about all sorts of CBD products journalists can recommend to you. In addition, our group at CBD Central is a free, impartial source of information and is run by a medical professional so it can be trusted. Either way, we hope that you take the time to review the CBD reviews we provide on our website and choose the best resource, medicine or supplement for your needs.

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