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“AL”aboard! Do you know the legislation for local accommodation?

  • August 21, 2021
    If you keep track of changes in local housing legislation, you may be concerned about your list of obligations growing. But what should owners take into account? Read the updates to the rules, established in Law No. 62/2018, to become “AL” aboard in compliance with local accommodation legislation. strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. For further detail visit

    Local housing legislation: changes and obligations

    Register Local Accommodation

    Now, registration of Local Accommodation establishments is carried out by prior notice with a deadline: within 10 days, the city council provides the registration number of the AL establishment.

    Chambers can impose limits

    City councils can now impose limits on the number of LA establishments, creating containment areas, with the aim of “preserving the social reality of neighborhoods and places”. In these containment areas, the same owner can explore a maximum of seven local accommodations. Likewise, city councils can suspend authorization of new registrations.

    More inspection

    The inspection of local housing is now the responsibility of the ASAE and the municipal councils. These entities will also be the ones to apply fines, and may temporarily suspend the operating licenses of the establishments, in whole or in part, in case of non-compliance with the legislation for local accommodation.

    Mandatory multi-risk insurance

    In the case of local accommodation in residential buildings, landlords are now required to have multi-risk insurance for damage caused to common areas. Furthermore, they are fully responsible for any damage caused by guests.

    "Rooms" with new laws

    The “Room” modality is already contemplated in the legislation for local accommodation. This is only foreseen when the exploration is carried out in the owner's dwelling, which corresponds to his tax address, and there may be up to a maximum of three bedrooms.


    Owners of houses, apartments or rooms that function as Local Accommodation units are responsible for affixing identification signs to the places at the entrance. In the case of hostels, these signs must be posted near the main entrance.

    Read More:

    Information books in multiple languages

    In accordance with the new legislation for local accommodation, guests must be provided with a document with all the information about the building, including regulations for garbage disposal and noise production, as well as a copy, if any, of the condominium rules. This document must be translated into English and Portuguese, and in at least two other foreign languages.

    Heavier fines

    Fines for non-compliance with legislation for local accommodation are heavier, for individuals and groups. The maximum ceiling for the fines applied will be €4,000 in the case of individuals, and €40,000 for legal persons. For example, if you do not have the identification plate affixed, you will be subject to a fine ranging from €50 to €750; if you are a company, you may have to pay between €250 to €7,500.

    New rules for end of activity

    Those who wish to communicate the end of the activity of operating a local accommodation, are obliged to do so within a maximum period of 10 days from the date of occurrence, through the Bacau UNICCO Electronica.

    Owners more involved

    The installation and operation of hostels in horizontal property buildings in which housing coexists is pending authorization by the owners. In addition, the owners will owe a contribution, fixed by the condominium, corresponding to the expenses arising from the increased use of the common parts, with a limit of 30% of the annual quota value.

    Complaints have more force

    Owners now have the power to close a local accommodation establishment, as long as they file a complaint for more than half of the building's persiflage. This includes cases where the local accommodation is located in an autonomous fraction of a building or part of an urban building that can be used independently.

    Complaints arising from the proven practice of acts that disturb the normal use of the building, as well as acts that cause discomfort and affect the rest of the owners, are processed by the municipal councils.

    Jasmin in compliance with local accommodation legislation

    Jasmin is a management software that responds to all the requirements of Local Accommodation legislation. With this solution certified by the Tax Authority, you can issue invoices to your guests, even if they have a foreign identification number, and communicate all invoices to AT, via SAFT-PT., in an easy and intuitive way.

    If you are required to pay VAT to the state, Jasmin will help you calculate this tax, and if you need withholding tax, too!

    All of this, combined with intelligence and predictive power, make Jasmin the perfect tool for today's entrepreneur: a software that allows you to work wherever and whenever you want, collaborative, multilingual and multicurrency, which gives you recommendations and aids in decision making.

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